It was the 2nd of December and the 2nd night of the camp. It was around 12am in the morning. The Sec 1.5 (my batch) was asked to seat down in the gentleman room and watch a movie. We thought it was a movie to cheer us up before the night walk but instead, we watched a horror movie called [REC.]. The movie is about a reporter who works at night. She follows the firemen to save someone from a building, only to realise that they are locked inside along with the other residents. There is a virus spreading amongst everybody and people go mentally deranged and bites others to spread the virus. Eventually everybody dies and the people outside watch the taped being filmed.
So after the movie, I get extremely freaked out and felt afraid. Our teacher asked who was afraid and I was really honest with myself and raised up my hand. My senior was also equally scared and pleaded with the teacher if he and I could go in a pair. After a 10 min discussion with the alumni, the teacher said that we could not go in a pair but the alumni would not make the night walk so scary.
Around 2am, we were asked to leave the room and assemble at the stairs to the parade square. Then, my senior Senior told us many ghosts stories to make us afraid. I was not really scared as most of the stories happened in the old Victoria School at Geylang Bahru and not here at Siglap. Following on, we were told more ghosts stories as the seniors were preparing the 'traps' for us. I suddenly felt something touching my shoulder. When I turned around, it was my senior and he told me to start the night walk first. In my mind, weird thoughts were going through my head, "What if I see something I shouldn't? Oh no!" I cannot defy their orders, no matter how unwilling I was, I had to do it.
Now, I will skip to the scary parts of the night walk as it was really, really long. So I was at the field, the 3rd location for the night walk. I was given a set of instructions to clap 3 times and then look at the moon. I followed and when I looked at the moon, an extremely loud cry was heard. My immediate response was to scream at the top of my voice and then bend down and squeezed the paper. I squeezed the paper so hard that part of it tore. Within 5 seconds, I recovered and then carried on.
Along the way, I saw a dark shadow lying on the floor, moaning and groaning in pain. At least I knew it was my senior, and I had a sense a of security. "Phew!" I thought to myself. I told the senior, "Very good acting! Keep up the good work!" Then, I carried on.
When I was at the HOD toilet, one of the cubicles was occupied and I immediately knew it was my senior. He tried to scare me by flushing the toilet twice. I was not really afraid and I commented, "If you want to scare me, at least try and save water!" I think he really used my advice and he slammed the door as loud as he could and I screamed again. I completed the clue and ran out of the toilet. When I passed by the canteen, I recognised my senior's body shape and he was seating on the bench with another senior. When I said hello, they did not respond. Instead, their heads followed my direction I was walking at and that freaked me out.
I went on and FINALLY completed my night walk. It was around 3am in the morning when I reached the gentlemen room. My friendly senior was there to calm me down and I decided not to sleep and wait for the rest to come back. I chit-chatted with him until the next 'victim' came back. The first thing he said to me was that he could hear my scream although we were very far apart. We conversed about our night walk experience and each person's night walk became more and more scary then mine. When the remaining few came back, they were as white as sheet. They said that the seniors was playing ghostly music in the toilets and dressed up like clowns to scare them.
After the whole night walk, it was already 5.30am already and we all just randomly conversed amongst ourselves. Actually, I was considered very lucky to be the first, because when the last person came back, his version of the night walk was hair-raising. What's more, he claimed to have seen something that was wearing red in the field. Everyone was shocked and momentarily stunned but soon got over it as he declared it as a joke!
After this experience, i felt that I have become braver and that I can face my fear better. However, courage is a matter of perspective. My senior said that this year's night walk would be even worse than this and FULL attendance is COMPULSORY! I already was scared out of my wits, and that is definitely not a good experience. I really hope I would not do this type of night walk in school, maybe in army or something.
What can I do? Sigh...

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